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Community Energy Dashboard

Community Energy Dashboard

The Community Energy Dashboard is a project of Vermont's Energy Action Network to help accomplish the state of Vermont's Goal of Transitioning to 90% renewable energy usage by 2050.

Project Goals

Towns across Vermont asked for concrete ways to make clean energy and efficiency choices at the local level, and to accelerate action by learning from neighbors.

The Community Energy Dashboard was envisioned to help these communities achieve this with a powerful suite of interactive tools to set goals, track progress, share actions, and tell stories about renewable energy efforts.

For the first time, communities would have free and open access to official data, maps, and information that have never before been made available at the town level.

The data would be updated regularly in partnership with utilities and the Department of Public Service. Municipalities, businesses, farms, schools, institutions, individuals, energy committees, and everyone who lives in the state of Vermont could benefit from this extensive web application.

Our Solution

The Community Energy Dashboard's Atlas is a custom web application with enhanced features.

Users can see where their town’s existing renewable energy generation is happening, who installed it, and identify new potential sites based on environmental resources and constraints.
Actions allow community members to document their participation in Vermont's renewable energy initiative.

Through the Community Energy Dashboard application, individual, business, municipal, school and farm actions are collected and displayed through interactive tiles that show the collective impact within a specific community.
A goal of the Community Energy Dashboard was to create an interactive method for users to share how they are helping the state of Vermont achieve its goal of reaching 90% renewable energy by 2050.

By sharing stories, users can learn from your “Energy Heroes”, neighbors and friends who are taking action, and inspire others to do the same.
One of the most important components to the Community Energy Dashboard is visually displaying complex data sets in a meaningful way. This makes data understandable for all users and clearly identifies how individual communities are progressing.

This web application allows users to track their community’s development each year towards meeting 90% of local energy needs through efficiency and renewables by 2050.

The Results

  • A model for nation-wide implementation
  • Tools for municipal planning
  • Participation at state and local levels
The Energy Action Networks’s new Community Energy Dashboard gives Vermont towns powerful new tools to chart their own path towards our goal of 90% renewable by 2050. VDW’s enormous expertise was a vital ingredient in making the Dashboard a reality.
Executive Director, Energy Action Network

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